Thursday, May 5, 2011

Chicken Curry Nutrition Info

Shameful and disgusting Barça fans

Today I will talk about football again. Damn, not that it is my biggest concern, but there are things I can and uncivilized behavior, intolerance and vandalism that touched me very much balls. And is it always the same, surprisingly to those who must defend and help from this misrule motherfuckers morons, who have to put on a pedestal by all screwed manipulated disinformation media and they always have to be the very poor ones that never do anything. The FC Barcelona fucking fucking hobby and mental illness every time they celebrate something they have to destroy half the city, facing the security forces, battles and directly mounted attack by good and without any reason to anyone who does not think like them or just leave them the fuck attack. This mob ever gives me more nauseous.

not many days ago Real Madrid managed to win the Copa del Rey. Without being either a computer or otherwise, the truth is that I was happy enough because at least the team that won a English feel, being that it is the Copa del Rey in Spain, then it is logical that not wants to be English is not that just will not win, is that it should not to play it. But are the inconsistencies in these troubled cagalanes of shit. Finally, the fact is that after the victory came the celebrations. I do not like these things, thousands the little guy just because drunks screaming tween Eleven guys have gotten the ball where he played. However, to demonstrate against unemployment, poverty and lawlessness lunatic, it is impossible to gather more than four. The English are assholes, is what you get. But hey, as far as bad, at least it was a celebration where the only incident was that the cup won ended under the wheels of the champion team bus. Happiness in abundance, a few shouts, champagne and beer and everyone so quiet house.

This past Tuesday the FC Barcelona won nothing, just a pretty tie certainly rigged and that to me I would fall face of shame at such arbitration scam. But look, I'm not cagalán, of which I am glad. For without winning anything, it takes you up celebration. Barcelona taken by the radical disturbed fans of this team of shit, as always dedicated to destroying furniture, burn container, break windows, start signals and other niceties of gentlemanly own team that we teach from the manipulated media. For if the party did not yet have enough color of vandalism at the last minute these crazy sons of bitches apprentice terrorist murderers, were devoted to throwing bottles and flares fired from the hotel where refugees were most media. The reason? No, they just are that cool and liberal. Very nearly causing a fire that had ended criminal surely victims, or to sever the head with a bottle over a poor journalist. This is Barcelona and his love, that piece of shit existential, but we have to shut up and folded because it is the team's scheme of this misrule jodevidas bastards. Vengonzoso, pathetic and disgusting.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Maybelline Mousse Matte Swatch

uncomfortable truths

few days ago I read one more opinion on this blog, or rather on who signs, ie a server, which was described as a "fascist piece." Let's see if being a piece a fascist is to bring the lies and futility of a lunatic misrule to the core, not to manipulate and throw light on the truth without any color or flag, as perfect, then I am a huge piece of fascist and, hey, very proud of it. Now, if what happens is that we enter into the story as always by always, those of injustice and congenital stupidity, evil, the innate and sovereign bastards sons of bitches we fuck pronazisociatas life up day after day and then they laugh at us because they give up the ass and hurt you very, very much. So I am that eggs every time you protest injustice and absolute vital of these shit you just try to disqualify because there are too loose and mentally ill for this country. Even the eggs, until the very lining of the anus, while very little to me is to continue living in this shitty country full of assholes deep.

Hey, if that tells uncomfortable truths and politically incorrect that no one seems to hear is that it is a piece of looks, I guess fachorra Mourinho is raised to the nth degree. Surely more than one has suggested or already said. No, I do not like talking about football, the stultifying preferred in this country for the people instead of going out to kill nazisociatas stay home (the still have it) sitting on the couch watching yet another game of the century. Yet, although the comic if I win the Madrid, Barcelona or the Racing de Ferrol, which one can not overlook is that the reason that Mou has more than a saint. In some years now, coinciding with dictatorial neo-Nazism of the nuts Zetaparo both politically, and socially, as in the manipulated media, sports walk the same course, and especially football, where the team system swells to win and win over and over again thanks to all types of government assistance, federal, arbitration and even a handful of narcotics.

What I just say no only politically incorrect but even subversive. Seeing the importance of "fúrgol" idiots in this country, the chances are that within five minutes the cop is on the door of my house with the van ready to entalegarme for life. Criticizing the sacred Barcelona, \u200b\u200bzetaparista team par excellence, by God, but even in TVE cock suck every other day too, but well, being the agency manipulated the truth is that strange little. Yesterday, during the transmission of the nth classical commentator until he realized the blatant theft was suffering Real Madrid and was unable to say "I prefer not to discuss my opinion on that move because then they tell me everything. "You play the post, nice, and say that this goal was perfectly legal. You have to deal with fascism nazisociata repressor. The question is whether Mourinho will end up in jail for his statements, or that, or very severely punished or deported from this country of anchors, they would do great favor indeed. Of course, when you have to kiss her ass until it is flat Guardiola is the junkie who, I remind once again, that very little darling has since been sentenced to several months in jail in Italy for drug use. Now then, as it's that cool, did not meet one day and legs came out of the country. Above offender coward, great example for children, Don Pepe, yes sir.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Manual For Vitamix 3600

Transit Presentation Juan Manuel Macías

continues to SIRENA

your voice styling
skin and evening, rain

bristling, hard-working, weaving

tango red with rage

drinking the life in my glass, throwing

my eyes

old maps where dying every summer,

all the love, shouting through the streets.

Your voice dark, madrigal of sleep,

with what subtle or alienated rope

body drags the world, sweeps, winds, and

souls attached to your belly overwhelmed? Dark

boiling wax in the winter,

inventing your voice is my name,

keeps calling from your fog,

your horizon plain unpredictable.

Your voice is distant, salt and time.

And your song so simple, so perfect

like a fingernail scratching crisp afternoon, like a child

liquefied ice in winter, as a grim

foreshortened by my writing postcards back


tired of years of chance

moldy, yellow

pure thought.

And your song requires, like background,

, bottomless heart,

become my own giddiness, my faithful shipwreck and drown
so sweetly

men have not been, absent the lost

called the later ships in the afternoon.

goes on and your voice, alone with me,

cold circling the drain, so reasonably

-like silence, so as the tenacious

wave reason, the law

establishing its borders,

to a strange country dark.

(De Transit Juan Manuel Macías. DVD Editions, 2011)

Thursday, April 28, 2011

How Far Ahead To Order Cake

Quit by pipes

was nine o'clock last night. At this time this time of year and the night is dark but still nothing is not deep. Much less should be so in the city, full of lamps, interestingly renovated just a year ago after removing others that were barely two years. But hey, for that rabble Zetamierdoso and steal our money to the ever more miserable people to live like Maharajas fucking sons of bitches and then give some pennies to municipalities for plans of shit that only employ four blacks and five pseudo-battered foxes. Change the streetlights made three days ago, we do two or three step aceritas and remove a few parking spaces in order to fine Ratatat plan. To continue fucking and teasing the city and we as asshole deep to follow like sheep watching football while the country plunges fully into the biggest debacle in its history. There are so useless these nazisociatas as they seem, well, just for some things, because they brainwash and convert a whole nation in a plague of zombies idiots, that they have done wonderfully well.

Anyway, as I have no money for dinner, had a fucking hole in the stomach at nine o'clock at night and it occurred to me down to the street to buy a bag of sunflower seeds, peanuts or anything that was worth about one euro (I'm a dreamer) to fill the gut. Under the stairs, I reach the street and the show begins. To begin with, and nothing else close the door behind me, a Romanian gypsy approached me rudely and twisted look as I ask for money to eat. A good tree it comes closer, although not think it is to eat so you need the dough, and I feel that if I give it will suddenly a navajero somewhere and take my pants up. I ignored it and squeeze advantage over the traffic light is green. Across three blacks expect me sitting on a patio smoking a joint. Look at me face-threatening but they pass. Watch my appearance sometimes commands respect, without going any further when I lived in midtown Manhattan, but here in my city, my country, there are already so loose offender I am the basted. I just run it.

I get to the nearest supermarket just before closing, I have just under a euro, I would like pipes, but even this simple item costs more than I can afford. Fuck your fucking picture nazisociatas bastards in the UK with a pound you can buy to eat all day, here or pipes. Suddenly the police entered the store, it seems that there is a drunk sudaka anger is mounting, the security officer and has a black eye, can not with him. I'm out without buying anything is not going to be that since I'm white, English and heterosexual, I entaleguen me. Back home looks more sinister, I have to stare at the ground to prevent others from edges out when not directly a firearm. I arrived safely but narrowly, another suicide mission completed, go out to by pipes, and I could not buy the fucking pipes, dammit. This is the Spain of "progress" that said the White Tweety, unemployed, broke, starving and over the life jugándome whenever the street floor. Nazisociatas, psoístas, liberal, pseudo-izmierdosos, are all sons of bitches, suicidaos of a fucking time and let us live in peace, in peace.

Monday, April 25, 2011

What Color Rug Orange Dining Room

Ritual Presentation Ernesto García López

Presentation RITUAL of Ernesto García López next April 28 (Thursday) at 19:30 at the Central MNCARS. Bookstore (Building Nouvel) Ronda de Atocha, 2. Madrid.
assistance, in addition to the author, Luis Luna, Oscar Curieses and myself, accompanied by the poet in the presentation of his highly recommended book of poems.

Just as in England in the seventeen Diggers grew vacant land without consent of the nobles, some shouting parterre invade the poem today.

E. García López, Ritual.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Need For Speed Run From Mounted Image

Possible successors

Due to the interesting question we ask on the left side of the blog, go around in my mind a host of horrific thoughts are about the future of the armchair idiots in this country that has become Spain. Some time ago I thought it was impossible to find a subpresidente worse than Zetaparo bastard, but this idea has already passed into history, taking into account who may be the successors of shit, since it has already announced its refusal to continue giving ass to those suffered by English citizens. And in this country of deep asshole I have very clear that PutaSOE will win the elections because we give more because we will analyze the potential horrors (candidates) to succeed the crazy light that has ravaged the country from all sides.

course, the first candidate to be tested, given that we are dealing with a compulsive liar, is going to be the very Zetaparo. We have been deceived so without falling face the shame or the least, it should surprise anyone that where I say I say diego and its most disgusting guy gets cocky and re-submit. As above is a dangerous lunatic and is believed to be the best politician in the whole world interplanetary pull for more continuity to the quirks, poverty and living under a bridge. And the sheep keep laughing palm thank this bastard mentally disturbed.

Rugalcabrón the asesinopresidente in office for about mesecitos because the other fucking coward and dare not to come forward. I personally do not think a guy who already has more than sixty years and the Virula prostate is a guarantee for the future, but as the nazisociatas are morons never know. It makes me rather than what they will use to hold club until the end of term and then we will have some other abomination. C'mon, it's what I think, because after a mobster murderer motherfucker collaborator end terrorist holding the reins of the country makes me real panic. Of course, as to the progress españolitos going, it would not be at all unreasonable.

The fox looking after the chicken, the independence-war and anti-English military in charge of English (there are inconsistencies in the asshole nazisociatismo misgoverns us), the whore Chacón, in short, now that really scares me. My personal opinion is that the choice will be the son of a bitch, and have this person in the chair is what we can spend peorcito. I still remember the hugs that you gave the Aido phase when the law was passed giving free drinks to murder children. Killing children is to embrace, given kisses and be so happy? I really moral turpitude and misery of this gang legged stool is regrettable and shameful. And this bitch nasty is going to play stand in the lawlessness of a country that does not even have him. It is total madness, is the Spain of the idiots, the Spain of the PSOE.

tiptoe on the eternal candidate, the toupee Bono, who always wants to go but just never do it. Already got a review Zetaparo at the time, and look how that goal you a review like that is an anchor to retire to meditate in the mountains of useless you are. But the case is Strikes that Uncle Pepe, chorizo \u200b\u200bmanchego, because look what sleeve and illegally enriched this scoundrel. Enumerate the same swift way to two others that seem to postulate and represent the vulgarity, lack of education and culture and the futility in its maximum within the whorehouse that is the PSOE. White spoke of Tweety and the Travel Pajín. Imagine those disgusting beings living in Moncloa is really a nightmare. And certainly, seeing the escalation of power so that two monsters had very low skilled, nothing should surprise us. But no, by God, I want to take away the thought of the head. Vade retro! It also

the possibility, or anything far fetched, that some new monster comes to the fore. In much progreta zetaparil PutaSOE disgusting, bitter or upset radical feminazi lunatic who can make the grade as the main human scum of the country. Come on, many potential talents, lots motherfucker let loose abnormal those to which the English people like to give our vote. So, waiting to see what new "value" out of the quarry nazisociata disgusting, almost that I'm going to be pulling for today, starting to be late. I'm going to get a drink and think that my immediate emigration. Thanks for getting me out of my country, nazisociatas, they give up the ass, motherfucker.

Monday, April 18, 2011

I Want To Dwnld Xx Movie

hands. The voice

The child in the manger, contemplates with fascination their own hands, studied its complex architecture, their movements as something alien. The joy on hearing the sounds coming out of his lips, which plays like a musical instrument just discovered. Perhaps the artist keeps some of that wonder, perplexity that exists before the work and the work keeps it a secret that should not be disclosed. Who admires an artwork participates so, unknowingly, that surprise. Who are those hands? Is that voice?

Tampax Pearl Compak Lites

2 Edition Awards Viking Helmet

More or less a year are delivered from this blog the first Viking Helmet Awards to three posts chosen by the undersigned for their fight and tenacity against the misrule of miserable fucks us every day and ultimately be free to say what they please and get away from the constant manipulation and bullshit that reigns supreme in this silly nazisociata Spain. As is known to alter blood spring, and to give continuity to the prizes that in its first edition had a very good host, it is my duty to report that here is the second edition Viking Helmet Award. And here are the winners of this year 2011:

Gold Viking Helmet: THE MAVERICK. firm and forceful in defending his country and city. Critical to the gills with corruption, shamelessness and the pathetic politicians around us. No colors or flags rather than the pursuit of decency and honesty. And in recent times in open something that I sincerely love, harsh language when necessary, avoiding the stupid political correctness and calling things by their name. Maverick friend, here's your prize.

Silver Viking Helmet: BATTLE SERK. Little by little I fucking reading this blog. Not that I was captivated at first sight, but his great writing every day I have been attracting more and more. Undeniably his defense of traditional values \u200b\u200bof Spain in a lifetime. Progretas and memory scourge "hysterical." Recalling the story as it was and not as we have few interested and forgetful bastards. Also, what the heck, some time ago gave me an award. Well, now give it back friend, here's your helmet.

bronze Viking Helmet: KNIGHT ZP. A historical and reference blog as they come, think the first I started to frequent. Always report to denounce the disinformation and manipulation, censorship and blindness of the mainstream media's dictatorship regime nazisociata zetaparista. One of my main influences at the time of my way in this business blogger and personal reasons but lately has dropped its rate of publication, throughout his career to date has well deserved this helmet. Here's your prize, man.

As I always say, many bloggers deserve the same prize, but three years trying to restrain my desire to congratulate all those who fight against criminal and shameless zetaparismo that leads so many years destroying lives. Has much merit, friends, stay where we are in the gap and to denounce all this bunch of bastards embitter us day after day. In short, more next year. Until then, I'll see if I open a bottle of Ribeiro and toast to the winners. Congratulations to all.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Used Optimist California

The big oaf and jerk

I was just a few days wandering around a small town in Asturias, is beer, cider comes, beans here, pot there. Entertainment typical of the area, come on. In a junk shop I met a lady who had moved his business from the neighboring province of León. As I can not shut up and every time I see the misery that has brought us this misrule nazisociata inept to see a beggar who wandered, probably once a quiet worker in any defunct company from ZP and his followers bundle for me to insult our dear friend the aforementioned lunatic monclovita son of a bitch. It is apparent that the lady of the junk shop had been a neighbor of the family of this monstrosity when it was still very bastard offspring. And among the various stories which had, none at all favorable to such a heinous character, I was left with the phrase her husband I diffuse and launched when the shit came to the armchair that fateful day in March 2004: "But how can be there José Luis, if it has always been the most mud in the neighborhood?"

I think this phrase sums up the country in which we live. A nation of dullards that put more mud to control their destinies, and no more. English people are IDIOTS. Not that this crap was the most mud in the neighborhood, is that the school was of disadvantaged students, is already becoming a teenager was a typical stupid that every god teased because of their little lights, is that and this is no longer tells the woman at the store but is in the public domain, Zetaparo is an individual who has never worked for anything and only lived the story. But in a country where more than 30% of the workforce is unemployed, over half of the total population is starving and almost half is completely shit with neck, nobody says mu, all as lambs to the slaughter when they keep applauding an evil misrule to the bars that laughs over the populace with some superb skills typical of most inhuman tyrants. Spain can not be helped, and the English less.

That same day, after meeting the woman at the store, I went through several bars of a bar, I guess for not having to think about Zetamierdas and his mob. In one of the bars in question, a rather portly gentleman came in with more balls than sobriety, right arm with palm of hand down belt out "face the sun with his shirt nueeeva that marchóooo Zapatero." Soon the man reminded him that yes, Zetahijodeputa said to be all right, but we have to see who's coming back, because being in the hands of child murderer feminazismo the anti-English Chacón do not think that this man not funny . Come to me or pinch. Not to think of a murderer shown as Rubalcabrón or some other type character Tweety Late or Travel Pajín White, living in the country we live in deep asshole, certainly not only won an election, but to sweep and stay in power for life. I said, the paradise of the socks.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Ontario Immunization Records Template

beers Boimorto

Was I a few days ago walking along a road rather than secondary Boimorto direction. This is in the province of La Coruña, not far from Santiago. Yes, I know I will still around some abnormal nazisociata like old times to be calling Galician facade like the Leader, but as I always say, go and go tell that to Anxo Quintana same or any of these proterroristas children BNG poor mother, who certainly like to hear that kind of thinking engendered by schizoid brain. Anyway, back to topic, as I begin to engage with Zetacabrón and his henchmen, I shot another mesecitos without writing a single article of disgust that makes me have to open my blog and see a photo on the front page of the Travel Pajín. What arcades, by God.

As I was saying, I walk under the gray sky around Galician Boimorto. I do not know why, but when she walked down a road I began to come to mind all the whores restrictions imposed by this dictatorial misrule and intolerant to the drivers suffered, unfortunately, still have to drive your vehicle for this unfortunate country. At times even feared to pass along to me a police patrol restrictive regime trying to endorse some financial penalty for going just walking. We must collect, and do not care if a guy that is changing the radio station in the car, to a carrier that takes a look at the address written on a paper that has to carry their merchandise or first bud walk quietly, because as they are the law and the law dictates a fascist bastard that nests in Moncloa, for nothing, my boy, to jail for walking and not having the card nazisociata militant.

I'm wandering again, that disgust zetavotantes, damn, your fucking fault that we have to endure what we have to put up with me and I will head to the fucking vital that we are imposing a daily basis. The fact is that while all this bunch of crap came to my mind, I kept walking. Galician roads are usually not too dirty, usually there is little habit of throwing trash out the windows of the vehicles, but that suddenly looks you in the gutter I am a milk carton. Man, it's always better to see a bottle of whiskey, which would not be surprising, taking into account the fact that we like the pimple on Northwest Native English. But look, almost until I was happy that someone was so sanote that while driving his vehicle was involved in getting shot of milk. Clear that the regime's police also fined sure why.

few steps above I find a can of beer without alcohol. Man, is not milk, but carallo, remains without alcohol, that after all is the rare in these parts. Well, look, another driver sanote, though perhaps trying to relive some old times when you are doing the same substance at the wheel but more Etilize. A few hundred yards walk and the landscape begins to adapt to the imaginable: two Mahou by the wayside. Well, you better recognize my countrymen, there, with two balls, or bottle or wafers, to liters. Of course when I move a little more and it appears to me proof that the Amish do not change for many zetamierdosos repressors that appear in the armchair. There are either beautiful, two boxes of bottles of Estrella Galicia lying, not in the gutter, but in the middle of the road. The emotion that seized me then was that I decided to, one month after re-write something on the blog. For that matter, in the coming days will continue to say things, mostly because Zetaparo and his mob are still as sons of bitches that ever.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Nj High School Basketball Referee

April (Hilde Domin)


The world smells sweetly at yesterday.
flavors that last.

You open the window.

Every spring this fall.

Spring is more than green leaves.
kiss saves all kisses.

city always on the sky bright and smooth flowing
in the streets.

You know, winter
and pain are not
something lethal.

The air smells sweetly today to yesterday, "It smelled sweetly

Hilde Domin (JLGT version)

riecht süß
Die Welt
for yesterday.
fragrances are permanent.

You open the window. All
come with it.

spring of more than green leaves.
A kiss brings all the kisses.

flow always this smooth, glossy
sky above the city,
in the streets.

You know, the winter

and pain are nothing, what kills you.

The air smells sweet
today for yesterday - the
smelled sweet after today.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Visual Throat Blisters

Ya puede accederse al número completo the magazine dedicated Ophelia this time to the theater and death (for those who do not know it, Ophelia, now in digital publishing, has published several monographs in the conduct of investigations into ties between the arts performing arts , science or reality as old age, sleep or a child.) In this issue, includes an essay , I wrote some time ago, on the survival of a Baroque theme in different texts Calderón, Shakespeare and Hofmannsthal.
Death is a strange presence in the theater, which even becomes a character in the medieval and Baroque theater. Presence ("presence?) us in front of the paradox of depicting what seems unrepresentable in itself.

In short, you can read a new Ophelia, this time devoted to the links in the theater and poetry, a number that promises to be very interesting.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Is There An American Eagle In The Galleria

Poetry Theatre and death by water

"Water, what word,
understand you, life
(Paul Celan)

Friday, March 11, 2011

Can I Catch Std On Fingers


" No doubt that linguistic diversity and the reserves associated with popular scientific knowledge have been so threatened in the twentieth century as the same biodiversity. "

Gary P. Nabhan and Sara St. Antoine (quoted by Steven F. White in his edition of Pablo Antonio Cuadra, Seven trees against the sunset. Veintisieteletras)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Vba Fire Red Game Save

Feminazismo entalegador and antiempleo

Every time I read the press in this country of assholes really scared me, so now I have decided that the only thing we can do in this dunghill that Spain has become is to emigrate. Because Zetahijodeputa and his bastards are bastards lunatics and scoundrels, but the worst part is that as there is still much that is supporting and Subnormal votándoles, go back to win the election and will continue with his recital of fucking lives and bitter existence. So me and do not count for anything, españolitos shit, they give up the ass at all, if you want to party, hold fast till the end, and the pity is that there is a war you do blow up a fucking time this disgusting country full of idiots. No, there can be no war because the extreme gilipuertez reaches such a point that however much is English citizen Fuck you and give you the ass, will continue nodding like a fucking sheep to the slaughter and acting like a fucking zombie daze that only knows how to drive a 110, watch football and Belén Esteban facade and call everyone who smokes . That I fucked ya, bud.

But back to the press. Leo and I am horrified. Married couple who marry, bodorrio in style with the typical banquet, and other trifles excessive nosh. The groom, now husband, begins to suck more than usual, typical in such days, dancing with one another and with the beyond, and joke after joke, continues the fun, laughing, colleagues and family. The bride, and wife, also suck up to their eyeballs, it explodes in jealousy because in addition to dance and laugh with her, he does so with one another and beyond, and decides to be given a lesson in the brand new hubby. Hence, and from the same hall where the feast takes place, decides to call the timber and communicating on the same day of your wedding, your man has already laid a hand on that is abusive, a chauvinist, a son of whatever and certainly also a fascist and xenophobic, because if not, progress is not the thing.

And there the cops riot erupts in the middle which bodies banquet, the groom throw against the wall, I read their rights (or not, it would not surprise me) handcuff him like a dog and take him almost straight hosts to spend their wedding night in a dark dungeon. Raw, hard, pathetic and sad, but unfortunately more than real in this country of absurdity, injustice and fascism zetaparil feminazi the group. The fact is that up to two days and nights the poor man was shot that dangerous criminal locked up and treated like shit by the police of the regime until the lady, free of cogorza, surely not hate, it was called to declare to see what the hell had happened. Contradictions, one after another that did more than suspicious to some smart cop, judge or clerk, that what of abuse was a false story that a ticket with the face of Jesus Gil. And to give thanks Mr. husband someone realized early that if not now be spending the first years of their marriage more grating than a gorilla in a zoo.

But that's cool we are in this country to celebrate the day of the working woman, holding more than horny in a country with 35% real unemployment, is set as master of ceremonies to the Deputy Minister of Health transvestite which, incidentally, poor sanitation and hygiene has to itself because it is a BITCH to hold on and do not wiggle. A great example of work a person who has not quite worked NADA in all his fucking life. And while all this happens and the country is falling apart (though some of it and standing) on \u200b\u200ball four sides, continue reading the press and I echo a story that talks about the fine imposed on a company to put a job that read "We intend to" instead of "looking for people to schedule." As the figure is not a joke, those three zeros, come on. So, this is stupid and crap chorrismo and excessive absolute misgovernment of this ill-conceived lunatics, one of the few companies that can offer employment in this aberrant situation to which we have been like desgubernamentales USELESS, it appears that economic sanctions are imposed feminazi cutting. Congenital idiocy is now raised to the nth degree. But nothing happens, españolitos, to continue to vote PSOE, that where there can not be removed. Asshole.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Zachary Tims Mistress

language reading poems in Strike (Wednesday 9 March) March Snow

On Wednesday March 9, within cycle in the lock eye , at 21.00 hours on Strike (c / Zurita, 39. Madrid) read my poems. Ariadne's thread that will serve as a conduit for the reading will be the game between "look and dream."

"The dream is simple, but not the watch" (Claudio Rodríguez)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Removing A Hologram From A License


Was I driving this morning as a highway for our dear nation, Spain, the country of votazetaparos asshole, when suddenly I've taken several of these new signals with two ones and a zero. Damn, a day before the announcement by the executive lunatic, is that even in that they lie to us. Well, the fact is that three or four signals after I met two guys, one on each side of the highway, hanging from a pair signal trying to put some stickers of these cientodieceras to spit, it is not very well hit the fucking. The strange thing is that any car or truck has not been carried forward to the above operators, because security measures zero, and reflective vest, and no indication of work on the road, or four shit. And see that Rubalcabrón said this would be done in the early hours of 6 to 7 with maximum discretion and security. Nothing heard on a Sunday morning and as he owned the place. Yet another fallacy of this bunch of bastards fuck us life one day every other well.

Because once more, while countries most developed in Europe and really continue to develop and work and social life and godliness and good channel, increase the maximum speed of ten miles to get more from their citizens and what they can do for your society, the Spain of idiots do the opposite. Bastard lit the Zetamierdas of balls. And curiously, taking the road network over Europe as we will end up being more Europeans are going to go smashing eggs across the continent. All for the "savings" from who knows what, because with this nonsense integral bit saved, to say nothing, and least is the desire to save every time we come over ahostiar one after another all the memos and sons of a bitch that today continue to defend and give their vote this bunch of bugs escapes mental hospital are the current English misrule.

still fills the mouth Rubalcabrón releasing exceeding the new limit will not cut the points of your driver's license, that after all the blows that we nearly all, the only penalty will receive economic. Wow, man, it seems that already tells. Neither save nor four milks, these sons of bitches they want to bleed more still to already destroyed and ruined city. As we have not been fucked already quite becoming Spain's most expensive country in the world where the correlation between wages and prices is absolutely non-existent and where every day we plugged a repressive new tax or a new rise in gas, electricity or water, now raise more still more fines. Nasty dictators, repressive, censorship, freedom limitor, FASCIST SHIT. Yes you who are the fascists, nazisociatas shit, and not all those who are already very, very up to the hilt all of you, clown noses, crooks.

It is time that this stupid country, sheep, abnormal sleeping asshole, to wake the fuck up and for all. It is time not pay or a fine bitch, we put the car 180km/hy we skip all the fucking fascist radars placed by this bunch of bastards. All smoking in bars, even non-smokers, all triples eating hamburgers, all to be passed by lining the abnormal Progrezo recycling, all using the words black, fag and bitch when we please, to send all the shit over and over again the PSOE fucking balls. And you get a fine, fine not paid, they get screwed, it's OK to be submissive and gilipuertas. TOTAL CIVIL Disobedience, insubordination to the laws devised by disturbed brain full of shit from a bunch of morons to which do not want. All right, pussy, SPAIN WAKE the fuck up. ZETAPARO commit suicide.

Friday, March 4, 2011

340s John Deere Snowmobile

Snow on the branches of the almond.
What is flower? What is snowflake

Friday, February 25, 2011

Frustration Rummy Cards

The poem (Casimiro de Brito)

Poems, yes, but
devouring fire.
round like fists in front of danger. Boats
determined in the storm. Cruel. But
of pure cruelty: the birth,
the sleep of death.

Poems, yes, but rebels
integers as water, and as she
open to the geometry of the bodies. Whole

despite the mud and tenderness
your profile stars.

Poems, yes, but with blood. That these poems erupt

of the occult. Release their
pus in the public square. Tall, vibrant, Seismo
as un, un exorcism
la muerte de un hijo.

Casimiro de Brito (versión of JLGT)

The poem

Poems, yes, but
devouring fire. Round as fists
face of danger. Boats
decided in the storm. Cruel. But from a pure
cruelty: the birth.
the sleep of death.

Poems, yes, but rebels. Whole
as water, and
as she opened the
geometry of all bodies. Whole
despite the mud and tenderness
profile of its stars.

Poems yes, but with blood. That these poems

brotem do hidden. That libertem o seu na praça
pus public. Altos, vibrant
as quake um, um ou morte
exorcism of a filho.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Amin Bermudan Swaption

About Valladolid León and other

Last week I was traveling in Spain, or what remains of it, rather. Bumpy ride, I would say, especially for the snowfall that took me in the province of Leon and the tricks that made the car after starting to slide without any control on the snow. Calm down, my estimates nazisociatas nothing, thank God I'm alive and I'm going to keep giving up the ass with all my strength until your filthy enlightened leader go to hell along with his entourage of a bitch once and for all. Unfortunately the car not as lucky as me and we had to take it to the nearest town to undertake a busy repair there. Thank nice but nothing quite kamikaze gruero with two balls went with his crane in the middle of the snow to get down from where Christ lost his cap to the nearest garage, which happened to be was in Ponferrada.

I knew that I was going to play to night in this town of Leon, and the fact that the family thought the lunatic dictator zetapariano was this place made me the creeps. I soon discovered that there deep swallow this idiot's comments and locals they showed me. No wonder, because if you say you are now de León, Ponferrada morning and in fact you were born in Valladolid, as indeed is the case Zetamentiroso, because in the end the case that it is normal that you do not want any of those sites . A guy who denies the place where he was born is a human excrement, or maybe he does not know how or where he was born, or maybe it's who does not know who her father is the safest. Of course provided that not say it is "Fachadolid" as fools progretas call the English city because José María Aznar was born there, since very deceitful prefers to say that was born elsewhere, and palm thank you laughing like fools deep just escaped from a psychiatric residency.

Although I say that being the subpresidente of mismanagement and misrule over a liar and evil to the eyebrows (and warbler), for it made you change your ID, hell, you write down who was born in Barcelona is sure to put more horny. If the pig's mustachioed Carod Rovira changed his name, because the Zetamierdoso you change place of birth if given so disgusted to say where it really came to the world. What a pity you did not abort, dammit, so the son of a bitch that advocates killing children. Have killed him when he was in the womb of his old or when he five years or ten or twenty. Why has this fucking monstrosity come to screw us our lives? Look it's bad luck with that of galaxies, suns, planets, civilizations and countries there, we had to play this fucking shitheads disgrace to us. Heck what we did to deserve such a spendthrift? Of course we also could have played the Travel Pajín, better keep quiet lest someone takes note and plug candidate, in this country is so substandard that we still win the election with absolute majority and total.

Anyway, I was in a hotel in Ponferrada Bierzo waterfall a tintorro that While entering looks doomed when suddenly the waiter told me that now if I do or if I would have to stay overnight because they were about to cut off the A6 in the snow. I then decided to order another bottle of this wonderful tintorro and subírmela bajármela the room while I was a relaxing shower. At the same time I would provide a remedy for not having to think about psoístas, and sycophants progretas zetapariles number. Although the snow that made me horny especially when she remembered the deep idiots talk endlessly of global warming and go topemegaecologistas and blablabla, and are the first to throw plastic bottles in the middle of the park when they go bottle. I tell you if the issue is heating the thermometer plummeting below zero, I was in the shower with wine and all that I need and at this stage is to pump my cock and masturbate. I've always been of the theory that the planet is very wise and at the time jodamos it too much, he will joderá before us. And yes, please, dear world, if we're going to eliminate all starts with Zetaparo and rabble, unless the little time we have left of life, our enjoyment in spades.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

When I'm On My Period Why Does It Burn When I Pee

That song that no collecting (Jaccottet) Memory and ellipses

"So, poetry is that song that is not perceived, that space where you can not set the home, there is always the key to re-lose. If you stop be imperceptible, if no longer uncertain, if he fails to be somewhere else (is there to say, if not longer?), sinks, no longer exists. The thought protects me in trouble. "

Philippe Jaccottet, The promenade under the trees
(translated by Rafael-José Díaz). Four editions, 2011.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Can I Use Vagisil With Tetraconizole

Reflections of a Tuesday in February

What a shit day out today. Not because it's cloudy, then a cold from hell and is about to drop a good, finally after all that type of climate attracts me more than a foul and scorching Caribbean sun. But somehow, I think I'm something intemperate, will Chuza I grabbed yesterday at lunchtime and I could not let go until well into the night. Total for what to see in this country shit, better go all day drunk, as the tramp of my favorite bank. Also clear that the guy has his reasons, had a life before and now, thanks to psoístas Zetahijodemalamadre and horny fucking bastards who enjoy the lives of people to that extent, it is not just a miserable pauper whose only possession is the carton of wine every day casca. I'll stretch a bit, I I've given up wanting to reflect and that, in this strange nation of idiots that we are, I think it is not good. Let's see if I'm going to get in the bag just by thinking. Almost mackerel'd better, or I'll shoot.

few days ago the world celebrated my arrival, a curious anniversary, as indeed you have a birthday will have less and less interest. Damn, nobody likes to see how you get old, but yes, I know that many others I have quite an advantage, but not consolation. The truth is that the first thing that came to mind is to think (again, I'm thinking too much) on how well you must live in those years when my eyes saw the world for the first time. No, I have no fucking idea, but I have references for what I've heard or what you may have read or manipulated feathers involved. But the fact is certain that life was better, for one simple reason, namely that the idiot and the lunatic abnormal Zetaparo our destination was not in force at the time. Just for that, that long and last time and had to be much better than today. And surely even the English of at that time were far more intelligent than today, because overcoming this deep stupidity starved guys who still follow the fucking PSOE voting is really complicated.

Zetamierdoso Let's talk, as we entered the field. Even I had to see this son of a bitch very great, yet again appear on the small screen. I thought we had decided to hide behind the skirts of Rugalcabrón dad forever, but it seems that Santa still has the bravado of going out there to say the usual bullshit ever. The recovery has begun, this is your new identity. Well, as well as new ... The has been saying from the moment they began to recognize that Spain had gone to hell. And the worst is not recovered here nor fifth asthmatic grandfather right. We are sunk fed up with ever more unemployed, more misery, more hunger, more nazisociata shit everywhere, and this son of a bitch again we talk about recovery. To recover from the shock bitches who have given birth should produce such a monstrosity, which certainly still has not repented enough of it. I shit on your holy picture, Zetamierdoso the balls, tie a stone around his neck and throw yourself into the depths of the bay of Cadiz. Sorry, Cadiz, and I know that just pollute the water, but hell, somewhere we have to disappear.

One topic of conversation today is the politicization handling and management of the Goya Awards disgusting to the positions warbler. Progretas shit, finally. The truth is that neither saw such a despicable event or give a shit. What do the Friends fuck the lives of ordinary people repantinfla me very much. Yes, I know you are laughing at us and steal our money to do all that shit, but we deserved us not all go en masse to the streets and start burning and stone headquarters of the PSOE supporters so fatal to the party or whatever. Miserable bastards, they and the whole herd of abnormal and subnormal to follow today votándoles and supportive. Supporting a sovereign sons of bitches who laugh and close bars restaurants on behalf of his lunatic repressive cross the street while sending hundreds of thousands of workers because they feel nice, modern, fun and progressive. More progress seems to me, impaling me all fucking disgusting nazisociatas, and any day now, as I continue to heat in such a way, I'll start doing. Damn, and I missed the cold, I'm going to crack some wine to see if I get in line. Good morning.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Can I Use A Laserjet On A Inkjet Iron On Transfer

hembrista Violence in the supermarket

progregilipollismo This society, the new super modern Spain and ultratopemegaguay, the fucking pseudo-political correctness and Crush the fucking nonsense and PSOE, everything is a set of shit rotten ever ever seen in the history of mankind. Definitely we went to take the ass, and I'm not going to talk or unemployment, or the economy or people who are starving because of Zetaparo bastard. I'll talk about totally aberrant social behavior thanks to the son of the overwhelming Zetaparo whore and all their dirty bunch of palm trees and disturbed fans morons, we have to eat potatoes or yes. Come on, that or you live with Crush and absolute hijoputez or you know, friend, are a "fascist", although I tell you do not have no fucking idea what it means and certainly he is much more fascist than you. But you have to live in a country of hopeless idiots.

a couple of days ago I attended a scene from this country of fucking morons comprehensive mental and buds. And it happened in a branch of the PSOE or half of a plenary session of these sons of bitches freeloaders who occasionally yawning good stick in the chamber. What the hell, everyday scene as if it were normal in the world in the corner supermarket. Lord of fifty and a few pushing two carts loaded with buying at the top, so emaciated that he was the guy did not even know how with them because they could barely see him behind such purchase. At his side, happy ever after, wrapped in coat skins, wife of similar age or maybe a few less years old, and walking away empty zorrona, not a whore bag to carry, will not be that you break a nail. And there she arrives at the boxes, where I stood as he watched the gruesome spectacle, and starts long with a groove to which I do not know if he knew of a lifetime or simply had no need to move the bill to someone. Is the topic of conversation? Making fun of her husband. "This man, you see, that not to charge the purchase serves, thank goodness he still has something to go to work and earn" our "money, that if we could not eat. With often useless I got married."

And so fresh. If this is not psychological abuse in front of a whole queue of about ten or twelve people downtown workers concerned, God come and see it. Do you think someone said something to the lady as "hey, it's happening? What the hell. Laughter and laughter everywhere we go, it only remained for the entire world was thrown on the floor laughing Mondo pointing the finger at the poor man. And he was there, impassively, looking silly, because we must be very foolish to take it day by day, and I do not think that was just a sudden attack of malicious feminazismo the lady. The most serious is that not only the cashiers and ladies who were in the tail clean roared with laughter, is that some men who also was there, began to break his ass like a fucking worthless. I think that's what shocked me most of the situation there as extremely agilipollados MEN, handled and idiots, who are no longer brainwashed to believe the guidelines feminazis of insulting, abusing and exterminate anything that sounds like a male. Embarrassing.

view a scene, taken with humor, in a normal country, perhaps you should not pass anything, we might take it as a comment or a somewhat peculiar situation of many that occur throughout the day. But if this same comment was made a lord to his wife charged with twenty thousand bags while you go smoke ("smoking I say?", The sack!) A half-meter Puracé without lifting a finger to help, I'm sure the individual concerned and would entalegado and shot the next day by the misrule of feminazis disturbed that we have had in disgrace. That is what is not acceptable. Where the hell is this equality? Is that the equality we want double standards? And all this, meanwhile, Travel subminister of igualosanidad now devoted to cosmetic ban because they have drug formulations. Be that in Spain there are no major health problems that crap and bullshit. It really disgusts this fucking country, much but much disgust. Although more disgusted I get to see the above Travelo laughing every time he goes on the small screen, it looks very funny which makes everything that happens in Spain. See if you fly the top of his head and laughed the other, hell, it's about time we had our moment of happiness. Psoísta infected garbage, the wall of a fucking time.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Pobierz Odcinki M Jak Milosc

The PSOE sentence

Well, gentlemen, 131,000 people in the fucking street, carry forward and continue the party because it seemed the whole god does not care. Sorry, 130,930 people, who I had spent seventy-and this morning an asshole bastard told me that "this is not accurate," come on, make the number and not "manipulate" because of course, is not the same that are 130,930 to 131,000. It is seen that this retarded bitch and all horde nazisociata cares a lot about seventy people when they send 130,930 (again the numerajo in case anyone has not yet grasped the overwhelming grandeur) to bite the dust fucking abject poverty. You have to be the son of a bitch and miserable. And yet for beating about the recochineo above to get medals by the agreements made in respect of employment with the filthy, despicable and bribed unions live like a king thanks to the lunatic executive itself has played in disgrace. I think we should not distort figures walking and nearly six million unemployed, with a population of seventeen million people, and people are still giving quite the same. What country, by God.

But wait, now this miserable misrule, useless and mentally disturbed balls, you just had a new solution to lower unemployment figures and a few can work and earn money not lie here hunger. If you can not get employment in the Spain of Zetaparo the magnificent, as the executive recommends that you pires, migrants, that outta Germany to spend currar because as here to fix the mess, because either you or pyres fuck you, you're not another. And even more medals will be made at the suggestion Those sons of bitches. The fact is that as are this miserable, hypocritical, now has to come the friend Angela Merkel, whom we remember a few years ago that our esteemed subpresidente zetamierdoso described as "moron", to offer employment to the English in Germany. Apparently a country ruled by a "moron" has a tiny strike (just homeless and those who are in a period of change from one job to another) and this nation of nations that is Spain, led by a enlightened gods are created, is on the verge of cataclysm with about 35% real unemployment.

But nothing happens, again, to ordinary people that do not care. More outstanding go hide in the bathrooms of bars to smoke a cigarette, endlessly insulting to Mouriño which eviscerate if they could but they have not done anything or bogged again debate about abortion, euthanasia and twenty thousand gilipuerteces more I think, with all due respect to everyone except for nazisociatas shit, they are far less important than being able to eat. These sons of bitches who did not deserve any respect, the idiots who still to-day today still communing with the Crush and vital fucking fucking egg PSOE, having no more brains to defend any position, the only thing is now engaged to insult any other party that may make them opposition. That if the PP are fascists, that if UPyD now it turns out also that IU is a common danger, than any other that is, they all have blemishes. They are a fucking clown, but no fucking funny. If not useless, fools, crooks, bad people, lunatics and the very great sons of bitches. To the wall of a fuck up, shit jodevidas, to the wall.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Monmouth County, Nj Gay Cruising Areas

130,930 people Relays, canoes and Fascist bastards and fascism

What I'm away blogging world lately, and how peaceful that I have to write about this bunch of bastards of misrule. While indeed one remembers them anyway, as they merely fuck the lives of people by sheer passion, every three minutes because I can not help muttering a "bastard" thinking Zetamierdas, Traveler, the Tweety nazisociatas Rubalcabrón and other droppings. "Three minutes? And less. The latest distraction strategy is to ensure that these bugs will be out of the way to Zetahijodeputa. Not that I'm not gay but I do not think about who will replace him. Rubalcabrón's murderer, say all the pools, limitor liberties to the limit and leading advocate of this disgusting police state we live in today. But I tell you, I'd rather not think about it, lest some lucid mind that psoísta (and see what there are a few) comes to mind plugged into the White Tweety or already at the very Travelo Pajín, with the escalation of power that is taking lately not surprise me a dime. What panic, by God.

This week also these miserable of mismanagement have taken to get chest because boats do not come to our stuff. Damn, were not they the advocates to come around the murderer and criminal immigrants who wanted to label as xenophobic risk to anyone who did not agree with their wacky ideas? Well, now rejoice at this good news. Notice to all this, which is a lie to say that Chuck Norris has changed sex. Because boats are getting plump and well, but of course, and not cool in the media handled day in and day out as well. Although it is true that far fewer canoes to reach our shores before, which is logical considering that blacks are jerks and they know that coming to rob a country where everything is ruined god is not very profitable to say . Yet too much slag continues to invade every day whatever they say these filthy compulsive liars. They lie, they are so comfortable, laugh people laugh and then clean if you throw in the face bastards, cynical and miserable they are, they fix all calling "fascist." So instead of fixing the mess they have created. But because they are sons of a bitch, because until people like you are screwed, and the more the better.

Nothing happens, there is still miserable sons of bitches who defend these hoes sewer rats. Kind, obviously. This shows the amount of human waste per square meter that exist in this country. Just a few days ago someone told me not to worry that in 2012 the nazisociatas these fucking lost the elections and stopped screwing us. Well, because I care enough to reach that still has to spend a year long, very long and hard and tough, because if we are at the bottom of funds, we still worse because these clowns refuse round desgubernamentales to try to remedy anything. Rather, fuck around more. And I'm still concerned because both bastard loose in Spain, it is logical that these bastards back to win the election. Electoral gifts, false promises, more lies, more insulting and reinsultar to all those who think like them, and pull, four more years old grotesque madness and death by starvation. And even if they lose the elections, which I doubt, not believe that I'll forget all that are making me go and how I have screwed up life. Asshole much forgotten, or rather forget repeatedly. I can not forget or forgive, I'm spiteful and vindictive. So get ready, nazisociatas fucking bastards, I will for you.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

What To Write To A Confirmation Daughter

Metaphysics of cold

observation of a third-grader of the ESO, who seemed distracted, the teacher's explanation about the structure of the story: "So in our life there is no ellipsis." However, what is our life? "What happens to us or what is deposited in memory, or is at once both? If the memory, the abbreviation of life (as he called it, if I remember correctly, Dilthey), is what we are, then our life is also made of ellipsis, from leaps in time, small cracks, at first almost imperceptible, but over the years are apparently cracking the solid walls of the experience. We tend to confuse fact and experience, however, probably only those facts are as experiences that achieve transmuted into memory (conscious or unconscious) and thus find their place in a personal account. The paradox is that experience always points to something that escapes the memory, an elusive other, to what precisely it can not be related to another because he has not lived in the flesh, and yet, we insist on having.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Where To Buy Cucidati

Hello, friends and enemies, see that it is today I woke up in plan scholar and the first thing I did was open the dictionary and find myself with things like the following:
Fascist 1. adj. Of or pertaining to fascism. 2. adj. Supporter of this doctrine or social movement. 3. adj. Too authoritarian.

me this third option reminds me of someone we empoltronado in Moncloa and by extension a few of their feminazis was delivered and the odd-looking bird encouraging cartoon. Even if I could get to apply the adjective in question to all laws, rules and orders created by this bunch of sons of a bitch that we have in the current lawlessness and fully fit the definition.

But I will continue walking in the dictionary, pussy, I start to like the thing to do and see:
Fascism: m. (From ital. Fascio and this lat. Fascist, please) 1. m. Social-political movement, particularly youth organized militia under the command of the Roman fasces. Occurred in Italy after the First World War. Benito Mussolini was the founder. 2. Italian political party doctrine of that name and, by extension, any political movement and ultra-nationalist authoritarian. 3. Authoritarian attitude, violent and dictatorial.

Well, see here and there is too much dough. I have not seen in this country lately too many youth who bear the symbol of the Roman fasces, rather to none, nor are we in the interwar period, and also until I remember that Mussolini is long since pushing daisies, so almost to the present time, we reject the first definition. Who wants it applied in that sense, misapplied does.

The second, for man, the truth is that the Italian political party that name too long since passed away, but still interesting to be defined as "fascist" any movement authoritarian political and extreme nationalist. Hell, for parties advocating irrational nationalism to its logical and authoritative way possible, we have a few in Spain. And I feel that it would have to look precisely because all this pro-terrorist crowd of pro-independence Basque, Galician and cagalanes are then fill their mouths around fascists calling everyone who does not think like them and they do not cease carrying out all, now and rightly so, FASCISTS performances. The psychiatrist, nice, makes you missing.

And on the third definition of "fascism," if you remember it is very high and at this point: imperious attitude, violent and dictatorial. Look, here I see the PSOE reflected inside out. Authoritarian, and also I might add, stupid and disturbing, are their actions with respect everything, but especially its laws and court rules most fascist possible, with the aggravating factor or go through the hoop, or send you to jail. Violent know very well, with Zetamierdas claiming that more "tension" on the campaign trail or the day of broken glass in March 2004. Not to mention their youth, they themselves are quite similar to those of Mussolini that we mentioned earlier, trying to attack (and getting it many times) to members of other political forces simply because they feel the same way as disgusting and despicable them. Well, on the adjective dictatorial, we have only to go to the subpresidente of misrule and his top henchmen, who from who have reached the armchair have only to act like a fucking lunatic dictators illuminated. So no, nazisociatas the balls, you keep calling them "fascist" to others because you are well of fools, do not give for more. We, unfortunately, we know perfectly clear here is the closest thing to a fascist is a member, supporter or voter fucking PSOE.