But wait, now this miserable misrule, useless and mentally disturbed balls, you just had a new solution to lower unemployment figures and a few can work and earn money not lie here hunger. If you can not get employment in the Spain of Zetaparo the magnificent, as the executive recommends that you pires, migrants, that outta Germany to spend currar because as here to fix the mess, because either you or pyres fuck you, you're not another. And even more medals will be made at the suggestion Those sons of bitches. The fact is that as are this miserable, hypocritical, now has to come the friend Angela Merkel, whom we remember a few years ago that our esteemed subpresidente zetamierdoso described as "moron", to offer employment to the English in Germany. Apparently a country ruled by a "moron" has a tiny strike (just homeless and those who are in a period of change from one job to another) and this nation of nations that is Spain, led by a enlightened gods are created, is on the verge of cataclysm with about 35% real unemployment.
But nothing happens, again, to ordinary people that do not care. More outstanding go hide in the bathrooms of bars to smoke a cigarette, endlessly insulting to MouriƱo which eviscerate if they could but they have not done anything or bogged again debate about abortion, euthanasia and twenty thousand gilipuerteces more I think, with all due respect to everyone except for nazisociatas shit, they are far less important than being able to eat. These sons of bitches who did not deserve any respect, the idiots who still to-day today still communing with the Crush and vital fucking fucking egg PSOE, having no more brains to defend any position, the only thing is now engaged to insult any other party that may make them opposition. That if the PP are fascists, that if UPyD now it turns out also that IU is a common danger, than any other that is, they all have blemishes. They are a fucking clown, but no fucking funny. If not useless, fools, crooks, bad people, lunatics and the very great sons of bitches. To the wall of a fuck up, shit jodevidas, to the wall.
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