Thursday, April 28, 2011

How Far Ahead To Order Cake

Quit by pipes

was nine o'clock last night. At this time this time of year and the night is dark but still nothing is not deep. Much less should be so in the city, full of lamps, interestingly renovated just a year ago after removing others that were barely two years. But hey, for that rabble Zetamierdoso and steal our money to the ever more miserable people to live like Maharajas fucking sons of bitches and then give some pennies to municipalities for plans of shit that only employ four blacks and five pseudo-battered foxes. Change the streetlights made three days ago, we do two or three step aceritas and remove a few parking spaces in order to fine Ratatat plan. To continue fucking and teasing the city and we as asshole deep to follow like sheep watching football while the country plunges fully into the biggest debacle in its history. There are so useless these nazisociatas as they seem, well, just for some things, because they brainwash and convert a whole nation in a plague of zombies idiots, that they have done wonderfully well.

Anyway, as I have no money for dinner, had a fucking hole in the stomach at nine o'clock at night and it occurred to me down to the street to buy a bag of sunflower seeds, peanuts or anything that was worth about one euro (I'm a dreamer) to fill the gut. Under the stairs, I reach the street and the show begins. To begin with, and nothing else close the door behind me, a Romanian gypsy approached me rudely and twisted look as I ask for money to eat. A good tree it comes closer, although not think it is to eat so you need the dough, and I feel that if I give it will suddenly a navajero somewhere and take my pants up. I ignored it and squeeze advantage over the traffic light is green. Across three blacks expect me sitting on a patio smoking a joint. Look at me face-threatening but they pass. Watch my appearance sometimes commands respect, without going any further when I lived in midtown Manhattan, but here in my city, my country, there are already so loose offender I am the basted. I just run it.

I get to the nearest supermarket just before closing, I have just under a euro, I would like pipes, but even this simple item costs more than I can afford. Fuck your fucking picture nazisociatas bastards in the UK with a pound you can buy to eat all day, here or pipes. Suddenly the police entered the store, it seems that there is a drunk sudaka anger is mounting, the security officer and has a black eye, can not with him. I'm out without buying anything is not going to be that since I'm white, English and heterosexual, I entaleguen me. Back home looks more sinister, I have to stare at the ground to prevent others from edges out when not directly a firearm. I arrived safely but narrowly, another suicide mission completed, go out to by pipes, and I could not buy the fucking pipes, dammit. This is the Spain of "progress" that said the White Tweety, unemployed, broke, starving and over the life jugándome whenever the street floor. Nazisociatas, psoístas, liberal, pseudo-izmierdosos, are all sons of bitches, suicidaos of a fucking time and let us live in peace, in peace.


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