Monday, January 24, 2011

Where To Buy Cucidati

Hello, friends and enemies, see that it is today I woke up in plan scholar and the first thing I did was open the dictionary and find myself with things like the following:
Fascist 1. adj. Of or pertaining to fascism. 2. adj. Supporter of this doctrine or social movement. 3. adj. Too authoritarian.

me this third option reminds me of someone we empoltronado in Moncloa and by extension a few of their feminazis was delivered and the odd-looking bird encouraging cartoon. Even if I could get to apply the adjective in question to all laws, rules and orders created by this bunch of sons of a bitch that we have in the current lawlessness and fully fit the definition.

But I will continue walking in the dictionary, pussy, I start to like the thing to do and see:
Fascism: m. (From ital. Fascio and this lat. Fascist, please) 1. m. Social-political movement, particularly youth organized militia under the command of the Roman fasces. Occurred in Italy after the First World War. Benito Mussolini was the founder. 2. Italian political party doctrine of that name and, by extension, any political movement and ultra-nationalist authoritarian. 3. Authoritarian attitude, violent and dictatorial.

Well, see here and there is too much dough. I have not seen in this country lately too many youth who bear the symbol of the Roman fasces, rather to none, nor are we in the interwar period, and also until I remember that Mussolini is long since pushing daisies, so almost to the present time, we reject the first definition. Who wants it applied in that sense, misapplied does.

The second, for man, the truth is that the Italian political party that name too long since passed away, but still interesting to be defined as "fascist" any movement authoritarian political and extreme nationalist. Hell, for parties advocating irrational nationalism to its logical and authoritative way possible, we have a few in Spain. And I feel that it would have to look precisely because all this pro-terrorist crowd of pro-independence Basque, Galician and cagalanes are then fill their mouths around fascists calling everyone who does not think like them and they do not cease carrying out all, now and rightly so, FASCISTS performances. The psychiatrist, nice, makes you missing.

And on the third definition of "fascism," if you remember it is very high and at this point: imperious attitude, violent and dictatorial. Look, here I see the PSOE reflected inside out. Authoritarian, and also I might add, stupid and disturbing, are their actions with respect everything, but especially its laws and court rules most fascist possible, with the aggravating factor or go through the hoop, or send you to jail. Violent know very well, with Zetamierdas claiming that more "tension" on the campaign trail or the day of broken glass in March 2004. Not to mention their youth, they themselves are quite similar to those of Mussolini that we mentioned earlier, trying to attack (and getting it many times) to members of other political forces simply because they feel the same way as disgusting and despicable them. Well, on the adjective dictatorial, we have only to go to the subpresidente of misrule and his top henchmen, who from who have reached the armchair have only to act like a fucking lunatic dictators illuminated. So no, nazisociatas the balls, you keep calling them "fascist" to others because you are well of fools, do not give for more. We, unfortunately, we know perfectly clear here is the closest thing to a fascist is a member, supporter or voter fucking PSOE.


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