And today I have started to write, to say that I'm alive, more than anything, but I do not speak or Zetamierdas, or present a nation that every day goes to hell because of their own citizens, that after all have been those who have been in the chair, and by two times, the bastards morons that we have today in power. So let me, ladies, gentlemen and datasheets, they talk about the movies lately I'm seeing before going to bed to hit some good snoring. The endecalogía (I guess the word is OK) of Star Trek, for example. Yes, I look like a freaky, seeing those things, but look, he saw the first movies loose, I missed Mr. Spock, and since I started, then looked to see how many fucking parties had the saga. The six original, with Spock, Kirk and company, and then the great discovery of Captain Picard, who stars with his crew of four films (out of 7 to 10). I love that bald, pussy, is very disturbed. Then now, the eleventh of recreating the youth of Spock and company, not just me so much, but what the hell, that soon will roll the parties 12 and 13. Profitable than the Rocky saga, how awful.
to vary between Spock and Spock, I am one of the five parts of Death Wish, each one of them translated into English as they come out of the noses of specialists in the field. Let's say this is the saga of Death Wish Charles Bronson, but the last part, for instance, is titled The Face of Death, little to do with street justice holding our dear friend Paul Kersey , main character of very interesting little movie. These are far more realistic than Star Trek, especially when compared with Spain today in the absolute insecurity and street crime at all hours of the day. The pity is that we do not have an avenger of such roaming our streets. Of course my favorite scene is the one that starts the fourth movie, with three types trying to rape and murder of a young woman in a parking lot until you really know how the guy suddenly appears Bronson watching impassively the criminal action. "Who the fuck are you?" He blurts out one of the criminals, "death," replies our friend while you mess with bullets with them. I said, a pity not to have someone like that running through certain cities of our country, or nearly best, strolling through the corridors of the Moncloa to see if there are any easy target. Greetings to all and see you soon.
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