In the land of idiot creates a smoking ban for the sole purpose of fucking small and medium-sized enterprises active in the hotel and there are still deep subnormal, without really knowing what strange reason, are drawn sleeve now that smoking is a "fascist." "Ein? As you look over that history has had to be fascists eh, starting and ending Pablo Iglesias Che Guevara himself. Come on, that to see if the morons deep release are such bullshit eggs to go to Cuba and Fidel Castro tell it is a facade for smoking their usual PURAC. Of course, given that (damn, again the same slut) the intellectual indigent subminister not, I repeat, culture, education and preparation, going around encouraging the masses to the anonymous complaint against any establishment that smokers and is passed the uncompromising law of the liner, it must surely be very liberal and libertarian that curtail the freedom of the people and by the way, we are at it, ruining the country a little more, as we will de puta madre, come on ration psoĆsmo more pathetic lunatic.
The fact is that the country of asshole, despite all these crazy nonsense that nobody would believe if it were not, unfortunately, are a sad reality, despite the unemployment, poverty, hunger, social conflict that is leading this rabble, the continuous nonsense law, a state increasingly repressive and fascist, absolute nonsense caused by total useless, is that even when elections will be held as son of a bitch, asshole deep and how could it be otherwise in the land of assholes, asshole, that these bastards are screwing us and life miserable to the last bearable limit, will eventually win again at the polls. And if not the time friends, you'll see. And those sons of a bitch, with all the aberrations that have committed and have yet to commit, any other nation in the whole world and not only would not receive a single vote, is that and would have shot one after another without any contemplations. But here, folks, you know, in the land of the no asshole.
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