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As always a good excuse to read the teacher, left here this poem, the last closed (or open) the entire poem, published in his posthumous book Fragments of a future book :
Ridge Summit. _______________
The Nightingale and you
_______________ ye are the same.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
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Friday, November 19, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
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instant definition of Levinas gives us "a cut that does not bleed." An expression that reminds me of those verses Fausto, who was so fond of Jorge Guillén:
Werd 'ich zum sagen Augenblicke:
verweilen doch! du bist so schön!
"At the moment I would say:" Stay. You are so beautiful. "Perhaps the only eternity that we have been given is that of those moments without past or future, cuts without pain, while succession and pause in the flow of time without rest.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
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The November 11 (Thursday) at 19:30 at the Runaway (C / Santa Isabel, 7. 28012 Madrid).
Speakers: Marta Lopez Luaces and Ernesto García López, directors.
participate with their own texts: Pilar Fraile, Ana Gorría, Carlos Jiménez Arribas, Esther Ramon, Juan Soros, James Womack, Juan Jacinto Muñoz Rengel, collaborate in the number of Galerna VIII.
will be read also translations of Martine Audet (Canada), Uljana Wolf (Germany), Anne Katchinska (Russia) and Adam O'Riordan (UK) by Mercedes Roffé, James Womack and José Luis Gómez Toré.
The editors thank the universities Montclair State University and The City College of New York for their support in conducting this project. Also Vladimir García-Morales for his translation of the poems of Uljana Wolf.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
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grant me one summer alone, oh mighty,
And an autumn to ripen the song,
And when my heart is willing, sweet game
Del satisfied, kill me.
The soul, that the law of the gods in life
rejected, not find rest there in the Orc,
But once sacred, living
In my heart, the poem is true,
Be welcome, silence of the world of shadows,
'm glad, though the sound of my lyre
down not me.
once lived like the gods and that's enough for me.
An die Parzen
Nur Einen Sommer
gönnt, ihr Gewaltig! Und einen Herbst
reifem Gesang zu mir, daß
williger mein Herz, vom süßen
Spiele gesättiget, dann mir sterbe.
Die Seele, der im Leben ihr göttlich Recht
Nicht ward, sie ruht auch drunten im Orkus nicht;
Doch ist mir einst das Heilge, das am
Herzen mir liegt, das Gedicht, gelungen,
Willkommen dann, o Stille der Schattenwelt!
Zufrieden bin ich, wenn auch mein Saitenspiel
Mich nicht hinab geleitet; Einmal
Lebt ich, wie Götter, und mehr bedarfs nicht.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
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Longölia The mountain system is its natural habitat.
longölica count of this species that once a herd of about 70 men got off to a nearby town and defecated over some religious figures representing deities not stop laughing. Since then the species gained a bad reputation and people in the region use the expression "you are more dirty than a Pitarra" when they want to insult each other. This adage has become widespread across the planet Mincha, even among those who have seen non Pitarra in your life.
Another common expression is also the "Pitarra infumable." For example: "Vanish, Pitarra infumable."
Monday, May 3, 2010
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three levels are proposed on building a bridge between the Management and neuroscience.
The knowledge accumulated in recent years has allowed us to understand how many of the everyday mental processes. This knowledge has shifted from purely descriptive or explanatory ("certain mental function depends on certain brain structure), to operate" forward "to find ways to optimize our mental processes and improve our quality of life.
Regarding the creative process, for example, has been able to demonstrate its close relationship with the right hemisphere of our brain that has a modus operandi typically divergent and intuitive. Currently there are techniques and exercises that help to enhance the skills "creative" in our left brain half, which at the prevailing type of education is often the dominant brain functioning. Likewise, evidence everywhere studies demonstrating the effectiveness of techniques such as brainstorming or mind map to enhance our creative capabilities, decision and our own work performance.
other hand, think of the potential benefits to an employee any improvement in time management (time management ). Here the person determines their needs, sets goals to achieve, plan your schedule and monitors their behavior in light of these new targets. All this is aimed at achieving an effective use of time and increased job performance.
Finally and related to the previous point, is the phenomenon of job stress as an epidemic for organizations. Today we have the knowledge and skills that allow individual interventions that could have significant achievements in the prevention of this disease. It is to generate more friendly working conditions and less alienated from our status as persons complex, fluctuating and subjectivity often ignored by organizations.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
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take millions of years living in the most arid region on the planet and have survived all odds explanation.
often are under consideration by the Ministry of Science and to expand the general knowledge this species could reveal great mysteries of the planet's past.
Despite its communicative character and his demonstrated high IQ, have never mincha interrelated with any scientific expedition. The reason for this is also unknown.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Sunday, April 11, 2010
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Lately Management has expanded its scope for new tools to help understand the complex environment surrounding organizations. Here, the interesting coaching has built bridges between the Management and Neurosciences, creating a fertile area of \u200b\u200bdevelopment. Thus, in the organizational field and are becoming familiar concepts such as neurolinguistic programming (NLP), metacognition, emotional intelligence or creativity. At the same time, there are authors who create bold concepts as "neuromanagement" or " neuromarketing." Then, three other concepts around which to build a space for dialogue between Management and the Neurosciences:
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
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Selection of the most important postings related to issues of Management, Neuroscience:
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
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Thursday, March 11, 2010
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The world is no longer the same. Knowledge accumulates at a unexpected speed and changes or processes that used to take years, require a few days now. The "information society" confronts us with a complex and unknown that requires quick responses. There seems to be some consensus that the possibility of producing and managing knowledge charge a crucial importance in this new scenario.
Neuroscience and Information Technology (IT) can be considered two extremes between which deploys the theories of Development and Knowledge Management. Both the science of the mind as IT, have had a boom during the past two decades, which has helped to generate more and better models of knowledge management and information access.
Moreover, cultural and social revolution that has brought Internet is unprecedented. Its effects have reached all areas of our lives and are changing the way people communicate, and access information today. All this has generated new forms of production and management knowledge that appears closer, immediate and transparent. So, knowing how we relate to knowledge (from the biological bases that allow us to access it, even the way we transmit this knowledge) constitutes an important step to successfully perform the so-called "information society."