Sunday, November 21, 2010

Black Tie On Blue Shirt Ok

Cruelty Language Teacher

An anecdote that perhaps no surprise to colleagues: a student scolds me, outraged, because in Language and Literature course, I insist that students be properly expressed in the reviews (and not only in these), intolerable cruelty that makes me worthy (I guess) of all kinds of curses and punishments.
perhaps not so surprising that an adolescent is considered a luxury, not a necessity, the act of acquiring adequate command of their own language. What is really worrying is that many adults shared that contempt. A society that reads and writes more and worse is a society that thinks worse, probably less and less democratic society. And no little blame for this is that ideology the full communication diffuse, who under the guise of a total transparency hides the distortions and power play inherent in the linguistic exchange. Meanwhile, we insist that students learn what the predicative complement or pragmatic properties of the text, as if the acquisition of these grammatical knowledge alone would guarantee a good command of language. Or maybe that really is little interest to form citizens who are both readers (and is possible today, in a society that calls itself the information society, full citizenship without being a reader?).


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