Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sample Wedding Welcome Bag

wisdom: Three Ideas to Build On Dialogue

Lately Management has expanded its scope for new tools to help understand the complex environment surrounding organizations. Here, the interesting coaching has built bridges between the Management and Neurosciences, creating a fertile area of \u200b\u200bdevelopment. Thus, in the organizational field and are becoming familiar concepts such as neurolinguistic programming (NLP), metacognition, emotional intelligence or creativity. At the same time, there are authors who create bold concepts as "neuromanagement" or " neuromarketing." Then, three other concepts around which to build a space for dialogue between Management and the Neurosciences:

• Networks: Associated with the way we organize. Since our so-called "neural networks" to the consumer groups connected via the Internet. Do we know how to navigate this new social architecture? Do we know what our place in this network?

• RELATIONSHIPS: Linked to the way we communicate and function in these new areas. From our emotions in the way they exercised good leadership or making a decision. Do we have the emotional and communication skills needed to effectively interact with our environment today? Do we know the "language" that communicate with today's networks?

• CHANGE: Related to how we adapt to a changing environment. From the way we correct our mistakes, through the history of growth and development of the organization or how it is thought to herself. How are we changing? Are we thinking about our own methods and processes? How do we promote creativity?


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