Thursday, December 16, 2010

Cruising Gay Sacramento

that rises and lies of Tweety

Does anyone have upped the salary lately? Well, if you're political I guess so, albeit unofficially based shenanigans, foundations and fees awarded to finger, and if above you nazisociata and long story. But no, I meant to ordinary people, the poor sinner who has played unfortunately suffer the dictatorship of Zetaparo psoĆ­sta the illuminated balls. I guess not, a penny, in any case the salary will be lowered and if you're a guy with the host of luck, you will probably frozen. Although it is normal to have no salary, a street whore, unemployment insurance if applicable until the end and if it is not because fuck you, you go to your house to evict you (yes you, English for shit a nigger sudaka or not) and then to live among cartons, starve or shoot you. While this of the shots you do not need to say I'm not the only one who is desperate, the bird of Olot and gave a good account of his bosses that he took to the streets and workers of the bank could not pay a check without funds. It is not justifying this, but desperation leads to this kind of madness, and the blame for all we know who is the son of a bitch that nests in Moncloa.

said the non-existent I raise it should be the only thing that does not rise, getting the pasta, because the spending, be material, albeit rising. Now earlier this year we go up another 9% on electricity bills, and nothing happens, hey, that 23% of last year is that some even seemed slightly. A turkey which lives only pay 90 euros a month of light is normal, and if not addressed by the White Tweety remind us that the rest of Europe is more expensive electricity. Sure, man, of course, fucking lies. Lucky you, Tweety the balls, is that the vast majority of the English populace is stupid lost and never going to go to Europe to see how much worth it or stop light. But here the undersigned can assure you that when I lived in the United Kingdom paid a derisory figure for the same receipt. But we live in a country of idiots, and who will still tell me that I have no reason, that everything he says the Deputy Minister of the nose goes to church. Then I shit in your fucking picture, and I shit on the fucking incandescent lamps, low-power integrated these fucking crazy they give us to do the wave. We give away candles, pussy, that this step useful and we will be profitable.

And since I mentioned that character so fucking nasty, slimy subhuman the uneducated, the professional insulter, the fucking White Tweety, we will discuss their latest and heinous statements, which astonish the most painted and assume that their clappers used to be run on like lunatics. Now it turns out that the blame for the conflict of air traffic controllers is ... lottery, lottery, because anarchy is not sure, what do you think? Now it's up to PP, as the idiot who gave piolinesco because it was so many advantages to this group of workers. Sure, hell, but after nearly seven nazisociata years of misrule, had not yet been realized, then surely the blame for others. Come on, not Felipe Gonzalez gave them any privileges. Although made to think I do not know which is worse if they give you pasta or take it off, that's all he can do this bunch of morons nazisociatas fucking abnormal. But statements of this rabble wonder nothing, blame school failure in Spain is Franco, the English crisis George Bush and we are all racists, sexist and fascist Don Pelayo and the Catholic Monarchs. Well, what torment be the PSOE, and unpacking and have no responsibility for anything, if you are a santitos these sons of bitches.


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