Sunday, December 19, 2010

Bow And Arrow Shoot Baloons


We in the state of dictatorship, alarm or you want to call balls each. The ruling in this cartoon idiocy country is highly contagious. Now the main party of the oposión not even vote against this dictatorial state imposed by the enlightened testicles nazisociata misrule, not hear, we decline to not want to get into trouble, and if the way is officially proclaimed the dictatorship because we also decline, which and we have become deep asshole. Rajoy, resigns the fuck up, get out, you're so burned to lose elections that not even a fucking finger to move to combat Nazism fucking integral PSOE, go to take the ass and give way to someone who really has an interest in the policy. Although I do not know right now who would want to join the opposition in a country full to the flag of assholes deep. Almost as things stand it is best that the PSOE proclaim the fuck up officially his dictatorship and end up all dead. Overall, we do not have much to lose, so we will bring someone into the hole ahead, and if a motherfucker nazisociata, the better.

nerves I can because I lost the hand writing about things that they wanted. Let us focus the issue today, the opening of the duck, the fast train that much pasta will cost us all English and so few of us are going to use. More photos, more joke, laugh more citizens more petty politicians bastards dressed up to the AVE between Madrid and Valencia pity that crashed yesterday with all those dirty bastards there. And smiles Zetamierdoso throwing right and left, and Bourbon that is no longer even for a boat ride on the lake, staring wondering how cool it today sociolistos train rides I have to pull a paella in Valencia. Y Rajoy is points to a bombing but has nothing to see, do or say. And the Travel Pajín, by God, but what sucks to be, what human shit, shit, if you open the dictionary for the word whore ASCO and leaves his face. The bitch laughing with his face clean rotten slug, what the hell laughs this motherfucker, for more than five million unemployed, men subministerio estalegados unfairly because of inequality? FUCK WHAT THE Pajin LAUGHING? Do you do grace that we are starving, fucking bitch, I crack up laughing, I'll shoot you between the eyes and I crack myself, daughter of a bitch, I'll blow your brains out, FOX FOUL?

Arj, gross, I light up like freaks, fuck, my guts are scrambling. I have to take off your fucking picture of the mind now. Let's talk about infrastructure, yeah, man, that was also Tweety yesterday that it ran like. And Zetamierdas assuming that Spain is now the first European country mile high speed railway. Do not fuck, is that neither basic geography, if you will be Luxembourg, asshole. Nothing, nazisociatas shit, to continue breaking records, the country with higher speed, more unemployment, more poverty, more immigration crime, with more people dying of hunger. We are more than most, as I say, being, to the country are more idiots per square meter deep around the globe. We are at it, fuck it let me that I beat a record, I would like to display the more kicks to the head Zetaparo minute and his henchmen. Damn, I just put the entire executive enterradito in the sand on any beach and just sticking their fucking heads. Hiking boots and pull, to play a home match of football with cholas, total for what they have inside them, they are for much more.


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