Friday, December 31, 2010

Free 250k Damask Clipart

New Year quince

"Every New Year is back to take the time in the beginning, ie a repetition of the cosmogony [... ] The ceremonial New Year Babylonian, akitu is quite conclusive on this point [...] During akitu ceremony, which lasted twelve days, solemnly recited, and several times, the poem called Creation: Enuma Elish, in the temple of Marduk. This revived the battle between Marduk and Tiamat the sea monster, fights that took place in illo tempore and chaos that ended the final victory of God [...]
Also in the context of being celebrated ceremonial akitu the "party of Luck" zahmik , in which the omens were determined for each of the twelve months of the year, equivalent to create the twelve months to come [...]
The creation of the world is playing, because, every year. This eternal repetition of the cosmogonic act, which transforms each New Year opening of an era, which allows the return of the dead to life and keeps the hope of believers in the resurrection of the body [...] beliefs, almost universally distributed, according to which the dead return with families (and often vuevlen as "dead-alive") around New Year denote the hope that in that mythical moment when the world is annihilated and created is possible abolition of time. The dead then He may come, for all barriers between dead and living are broken (is not it revived the primordial chaos?) and again, since at that moment time is suspended paradoxical and therefore may be contemporaries of the living again. On the other hand, as then is preparing a new creation, it is given to expect a return to life, durable and ready [...]
In Japan, as well as among the Germans (and other Indo-European peoples), the New Year's Eve is marked by the appearance of funerary animals (horse, etc..) of the goddesses and gods chthonic-funeral: that's when the parades are verified masked secret societies of men, when the dead visit the living, and when held initiations
Mircea Eliade, The myth of eternal return

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Remove Concrete From Aluminum Threshold

"offer or not offer? There is much to do, the truth, even though that is always raising their glasses with the arrival of a new year and other trifles. The truth is that this country has already become a hotbed unpardonable, in your society, full of criminal immigrants to roam freely before the tolerance stupid idiots that only become intolerant against people of good will, as in economy, shattered by a gang unresolved useless lunatic sell their mother for that to retain power, as in its political class, unable to the bone on one side and under and sodomized by the other, unable even to make a decent opposition to such a scandalous mess. We lost, friends, probably because our own stupidity and laziness, so that the neighbor to address their own problems, thus turning the head at the carnage that we came up while handling disinformation brain washed us with soccer and trash TV. Here we are then ready to begin one year, 2011, which will be the grave of our final.

2011 will be the worst year in the history of this nation in a long time, and do not know if a year from now we will not have to say of all time. The patches against unemployment and trying to get the economy will crumble outrageously blow, from which there will no longer be able to get, and Europe is very up to the hilt of us and almost that before rescue, will prefer to throw out of the euro and the EU. And we deserve, we have reaffirmed in the absolute power to a comprehensive waste and dangerous lunatic. Beyond our borders, no one believes how we can be as asshole, so you give us a basket case, screw the English with all your shit, that they have searched. It is what it is. I was talking about unemployment, I detour. However much we distort the figures and the makeup as they come out of their noses, hundreds of thousands of English will go to the fucking street each month throughout the coming year. Not to mention the pseudo-little help to finish and more than five million unemployed now that soon we will stop collecting subsidy, which still have the luck to recover it, of course. What does all this accumulation of things? Total poverty, third world, thanks ZP, how nice and progressive you are.

would be wrong now about 2012 with all the hell that still lie ahead over the next twelve months of hardship. Still, I let a small license, and throw into the air a prophecy hopefully not a reality but I am afraid, always hitting success, is what will eventually happen in this country aberration or whatever. In theory, then we will have general elections, and say in theory because the alarm statelet finger given to this bunch of draconian totalitarian nazisociatas, can not dissolve parliament. And once released the bird I do not think getting back into the cage as usual. Anyway, the point is that it does not matter, because even though they have elections, I see it, in the land of deep asshole, moron, morons and bastards birth, the easier it is for the PSOE in the balls again come out on top. Will then he passed out into the street and a new civil war breaks out because people do not take it anymore. But as this will remain the Spain of the zombies aborregados because nothing will happen. There will be time for another World Cup win and Belén Esteban has its own television network. And if not, at the time.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Request Only Money For Birthday

2011 law is passed by lining the opening of duck

many things have happened in recent days and have not been here to share with you my dear readers. I am not referring to the beloved Christmas and all that entails, family reunions, returns home, gifts, Comellas, pike and others. That the end of the day happens every year and we all try to hold the event in the best way possible. What does not always happen, only in the last few dark years are nazisociatas Crush. We continue to destroying the country's human waste from the chair, the Travel Pajín appears that whenever I get whores nausea, Zetamierdoso which fortunately has no guts to appear, Rubalcabrón that appears more than it should to tell lies tralara more the guest appearance of Tweety White dropping their disgusting shit castrated bird's mouth. By God, how many appearances, each more disturbing, if not an ugly word. And in recent days, not I forget, the counterattack of the freedom-Sindescargas, it will be somehow the little matter that will occupy us today.

fateful day finally arrived when the law of absolute censorship in Spain, closing web pages without a warrant, only because the totalitarian misrule coming from your foul balls, would be approved, in principle, no problems. And knowing that this unpopular law, with 98% of citizens against it according to polls, could lose a significant amount of votes in these miserable nazisociatas, then plugged in the middle of the Christmas celebrations to see if it goes fairly unnoticed. Y yes, I have achieved has not talked much about in the media manipulated confinement but what they have been mistaken is the support of another political group mercenary when it comes to pass the bill. All against the PSOE, because it is well, hell. Even CiU, which initially appeared to be bribed in turn, have bent knees. And until the last minute nazisociatas have tried by all means buy the votes that were needed, until the PP have used. Nanai, Zetamierdas, Nanai, Sindescargas. At the moment you stay without bullying the network, and I do at the moment.

The day after this setback to intolerance and censorship free misgovernment becomes to remove the mask to offer his side for the umpteenth time fascist. Sindescargas announced that the executive is preparing measures to prohibit and criminalize Internet downloads without having to go through the law passed the previous day. As usual, to spend the legality of the liner, do not let me get this law, impose it because I'm that cool. Rounding out the situation of absurdity and pathos of this country no fucking joke grace, SGAE began a media blitz campaign to seek support for his wretched cause. Cause that is well reflected in acts such as attempting to recover duties of a marathon solidarity for those most in need TV3. A couple of days ago I received an email signed by none other than Teddy Bautista (what a shame it was not Ramoncín bastard). It contained a plea for the PSOE and its repressive laws, telling people how bad were the rest of the country because politicians would not let them steal his whores like or approve of lunatic laws. Although soil ignore such calves, for once, emailed back, concise and yet quite blunt: "What you give up your ass, motherfuckers sausages."

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Cystic Degeneration In Colloid Nodular Goitre


can now read the number 14 Shadow of quince, dedicated to the disease, in which I participate with a poem (which appeared on an early version in the wonderful magazine July 7, Mark Cantelli). The issue includes poems by Alfonso Aguado, Carmen Camacho, Jorge Riechmann, Eduardo Moga, José Antonio Llera, Belen Reyes ...

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Bow And Arrow Shoot Baloons


We in the state of dictatorship, alarm or you want to call balls each. The ruling in this cartoon idiocy country is highly contagious. Now the main party of the oposión not even vote against this dictatorial state imposed by the enlightened testicles nazisociata misrule, not hear, we decline to not want to get into trouble, and if the way is officially proclaimed the dictatorship because we also decline, which and we have become deep asshole. Rajoy, resigns the fuck up, get out, you're so burned to lose elections that not even a fucking finger to move to combat Nazism fucking integral PSOE, go to take the ass and give way to someone who really has an interest in the policy. Although I do not know right now who would want to join the opposition in a country full to the flag of assholes deep. Almost as things stand it is best that the PSOE proclaim the fuck up officially his dictatorship and end up all dead. Overall, we do not have much to lose, so we will bring someone into the hole ahead, and if a motherfucker nazisociata, the better.

nerves I can because I lost the hand writing about things that they wanted. Let us focus the issue today, the opening of the duck, the fast train that much pasta will cost us all English and so few of us are going to use. More photos, more joke, laugh more citizens more petty politicians bastards dressed up to the AVE between Madrid and Valencia pity that crashed yesterday with all those dirty bastards there. And smiles Zetamierdoso throwing right and left, and Bourbon that is no longer even for a boat ride on the lake, staring wondering how cool it today sociolistos train rides I have to pull a paella in Valencia. Y Rajoy is points to a bombing but has nothing to see, do or say. And the Travel Pajín, by God, but what sucks to be, what human shit, shit, if you open the dictionary for the word whore ASCO and leaves his face. The bitch laughing with his face clean rotten slug, what the hell laughs this motherfucker, for more than five million unemployed, men subministerio estalegados unfairly because of inequality? FUCK WHAT THE Pajin LAUGHING? Do you do grace that we are starving, fucking bitch, I crack up laughing, I'll shoot you between the eyes and I crack myself, daughter of a bitch, I'll blow your brains out, FOX FOUL?

Arj, gross, I light up like freaks, fuck, my guts are scrambling. I have to take off your fucking picture of the mind now. Let's talk about infrastructure, yeah, man, that was also Tweety yesterday that it ran like. And Zetamierdas assuming that Spain is now the first European country mile high speed railway. Do not fuck, is that neither basic geography, if you will be Luxembourg, asshole. Nothing, nazisociatas shit, to continue breaking records, the country with higher speed, more unemployment, more poverty, more immigration crime, with more people dying of hunger. We are more than most, as I say, being, to the country are more idiots per square meter deep around the globe. We are at it, fuck it let me that I beat a record, I would like to display the more kicks to the head Zetaparo minute and his henchmen. Damn, I just put the entire executive enterradito in the sand on any beach and just sticking their fucking heads. Hiking boots and pull, to play a home match of football with cholas, total for what they have inside them, they are for much more.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

List Of Cheap Resorts In Ecr

De la musique avant toute chose

The music is before and after language. Hence, the musical word of the poem look like Janus in two opposite directions: toward the pace as the matrix preverbal sense, to a pace that accommodates the sense to reach beyond themselves. A creative tension, but that does not always gets hurt.

Cruising Gay Sacramento

that rises and lies of Tweety

Does anyone have upped the salary lately? Well, if you're political I guess so, albeit unofficially based shenanigans, foundations and fees awarded to finger, and if above you nazisociata and long story. But no, I meant to ordinary people, the poor sinner who has played unfortunately suffer the dictatorship of Zetaparo psoísta the illuminated balls. I guess not, a penny, in any case the salary will be lowered and if you're a guy with the host of luck, you will probably frozen. Although it is normal to have no salary, a street whore, unemployment insurance if applicable until the end and if it is not because fuck you, you go to your house to evict you (yes you, English for shit a nigger sudaka or not) and then to live among cartons, starve or shoot you. While this of the shots you do not need to say I'm not the only one who is desperate, the bird of Olot and gave a good account of his bosses that he took to the streets and workers of the bank could not pay a check without funds. It is not justifying this, but desperation leads to this kind of madness, and the blame for all we know who is the son of a bitch that nests in Moncloa.

said the non-existent I raise it should be the only thing that does not rise, getting the pasta, because the spending, be material, albeit rising. Now earlier this year we go up another 9% on electricity bills, and nothing happens, hey, that 23% of last year is that some even seemed slightly. A turkey which lives only pay 90 euros a month of light is normal, and if not addressed by the White Tweety remind us that the rest of Europe is more expensive electricity. Sure, man, of course, fucking lies. Lucky you, Tweety the balls, is that the vast majority of the English populace is stupid lost and never going to go to Europe to see how much worth it or stop light. But here the undersigned can assure you that when I lived in the United Kingdom paid a derisory figure for the same receipt. But we live in a country of idiots, and who will still tell me that I have no reason, that everything he says the Deputy Minister of the nose goes to church. Then I shit in your fucking picture, and I shit on the fucking incandescent lamps, low-power integrated these fucking crazy they give us to do the wave. We give away candles, pussy, that this step useful and we will be profitable.

And since I mentioned that character so fucking nasty, slimy subhuman the uneducated, the professional insulter, the fucking White Tweety, we will discuss their latest and heinous statements, which astonish the most painted and assume that their clappers used to be run on like lunatics. Now it turns out that the blame for the conflict of air traffic controllers is ... lottery, lottery, because anarchy is not sure, what do you think? Now it's up to PP, as the idiot who gave piolinesco because it was so many advantages to this group of workers. Sure, hell, but after nearly seven nazisociata years of misrule, had not yet been realized, then surely the blame for others. Come on, not Felipe Gonzalez gave them any privileges. Although made to think I do not know which is worse if they give you pasta or take it off, that's all he can do this bunch of morons nazisociatas fucking abnormal. But statements of this rabble wonder nothing, blame school failure in Spain is Franco, the English crisis George Bush and we are all racists, sexist and fascist Don Pelayo and the Catholic Monarchs. Well, what torment be the PSOE, and unpacking and have no responsibility for anything, if you are a santitos these sons of bitches.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Brazilian Wax In Prattville, Al

athletes and nonathletes

Today we will talk about sports or something. Because if we have to talk about doping and do not know whether to use the word sport or if instead the words trap, joke, persecution and imprisonment business can fit a lot better. The case is now skipped if Marta Domínguez and becomes a national scandal that leads all the news, very typical of this country, talking about anything but people who are starving or are shooting at the despair created by these bastards nazisociatas useless and incompetent that we misrule. Anyway, one day is a day to talk about, come. Doping has now jumped to the Athletics, like cycling and has been overly maligned, insulted and put into the target and can no longer squeeze more, they're going to move the shit out of another sport. Of course, assured that football will not, because then we run the circus for fools in this country of zombies handled and sleepy.

to me does not concern me here today to defend the innocence of Dominguez, Contador, Paquillo, Perico Valverde or downstroke. But it is true that this already smells fishy, \u200b\u200balways the same sports and interestingly when they start to mediate almost to the point of overshadowing the much loved sport of twenty-two guys in shorts running after a ball. By the way, where are the defenders of the animals that do not mess with football, they know what it's made the ball? Finally, the doctor entalegado Eufemiano Fuentes, the bad bad guys, is already receiving threats not to talk more than they should. The usual from dictatorial misrule that sits in the chair, the preferred methods of Rubalcabrón, now just need and being tortured. And why not want this man says all he knows? Because being in the bag and told his fellow prisoners to "open my mouth if we run out of World Championships and no." And I think you're right, it is clear that football, especially English, is stained to the crown of doping, but of course it does not matter.

I have not seen any means of confinement English speaking about seven months in jail did not meet the "trainer of fashion," Mr. Guardiola. Yes, folks, it happened in 2002 when the above was active in the ranks of Brescia. The very cowardly legs came out of Italy and took refuge with friends Morito in Qatar, where he ended his career. But in the Alpine country, talking about Guardiola, even today, is to talk about a fucking cheat junkie also did not even have the guts enough to face such a sentence in prison. And with this sir? on an altar because it is the coach of team rules, cagalanufo to death and finally, an icon of all the crap that liberals love to, what we expect of the players under him curiously formed the backbone of the selection English? Come on, that we have drugs up in the soup, but once again the misinformation prevailing in this country of the absurd and dictatorial nazisociatas Crush. So people are still happy (or stupid) to see a bunch of drugged up to their eyeballs guys kicking a ball hit. Then there are cases of sudden death no fuck you, it is rare that they leave the chute through the eyes every time you jump on the field.

What is worse than to idiot people, football in Spain is being used to target the most vile and despicable. The tension much like to Zetamierdas, dividing the country into two, return to civil war. Fix unemployment and socio-economic catastrophe not but create more fighting, hatred and violence, yes, in that these sons of a bitch the PSOE are specialists. And as the team is the Barcelona system, because we have to insult, abuse and hatred focus all its usual rival, Real Madrid. What a player like Cristiano Ronaldo suffers today in all areas of Spain is a shame. Rabble who insult from minute 1 to 90 without stopping, you morons want to attack when you are out of band, or close to the corner, players who are released to their legs with the very clear intention to split in two, really crazy driven as ever, the hatred and confrontation, the bastards that we control lawlessness and means of SHIT.

And Christian can be a steak and a mouth Mouriño, well, surely they are, but no more than many other players (Albelda, Alves, Piqué) and coaches (Guardiola, Clemente, Vidal) who have been, are or will be all over Spain. But, to promote violence against everything that the dictatorial regime of useless and not like idiots. A few weeks ago, a pamphlet sports in Valencia apparently written by fanatics and cranks, encouraged violence over many pages talking about a "robbery" which apparently had only seen them. These editors, or whatever, still knowing that they are right, trying to agitate the masses to the point that one day we will have to regret a disgrace really, should be directly in prison. You can not incite violence and get away with pancho. Football should not pass being a sport, a hobby, a leisure ratillo as fishing, reading or listening to music. And the worst is that these fanatics are becoming disturbed as a continuing battle (no more than see the celebrations when he wins something from Barcelona). Battle which I rode to the gates of the Moncloa, to see if the exiled son of a bitch and fuck up and let us all calm, dammit.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Mount And Blade 1.003 Hile

Reading Dreams Dealers

CPPC - PERMANENT CENTER Poetry Poetry Critique
not giving up on hypnosis

Dream Smugglers Library Associations
c / Embajadores, 35

(XVI): Saturday 11 DECEMBER - 19 h. Reading poems
Petisme Ángel, José Luis Gomez and Carmen Ruiz Toré Fleta.

Replace Cooktop For Jenn-air Jed8430

alarm state, dictatorship nazisociata

We are in a state of alarm. It is clear that 99% of English citizens idiotic has no fucking idea what this means for them. I do not care, while they can watch football, the big pig and Princess Stephanie, what the hell care what state we are, we, as if to shoot us all, we sweat it, we're idiots. Walking today through the streets of my city I have seen ever, Romanian gypsies taking garbage bags from containers, the robbers pirul usual jungle aimlessly searching for victims, Sudak wild screaming tween and harassing the few remaining normal people, and idiotic and reckless people who wanders aimlessly in the sun (now one day has gone cojonudo here) knowing what a despotic misrule, rogue and bastard we're doing in the excusita of wanting to control air traffic. I know I say every day and I repeat only the ajoaceite, but I can not help COUNTRY OFTEN asshole.

Well gentlemen, among other things, the state issued a warning finger for the first time in Democracy? this country by the misrule Zetarrubalcabronil, ensures that the military courts leave to the fore. Any ordinary citizen you can apply military judgments, and that, despite the army of this nation is an ongoing joke, I'm sure that nobody does not fucking funny. O yes, because with so much loose asshole, maybe even preferred. It is also true that, as is the regular courts, do not know me. But hey, the fact that we can threaten take away all our properties and entalegarnos for life in a military prison simply because yes, I do not make no fucking funny. Make no mistake, this is the prelude to proclaim officially zetapariana dictatorship because it is informal and a while. The lawlessness has realized that Spain is full of zombies who assent to any lot and is already preparing his masterstroke, ventilate the little democracy we have left and he began to lose as unpardonable the March 11, 2004.

do not know, dear citizens idiots, which occurs when an alarm state can not dissolve the Parliament? What this means, donkeys? There can be no change in the executive, they can not have elections, we have fully embraced a military dictatorship banana by sleight of hand of these sons of bitches congenital PSOE and its disgusting lust for absolute power. Why has unnecessarily extended and indefinite state of alarm? The answer is obvious. For more boldly, Rubalcabrón we release a "fifteen days" as the duration of the state in question, meaning that "some" kind "to which I leave the balls because I'm a fucking dictator." No more democracy in Spain and the worst thing that has long been seen coming. The culprits, all sons of bitches and subnormal who have chosen this disgusting neo-Nazi misrule. The worst case is that despite everything that's happening, if you ever come again to be democracy in Spain, these morons would vote PSOE deep. Not given for more.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Can Yo Get Shingles On Your Breast

Schrödinger's cat

Schrödinger's cat, tired of not knowing whether he was alive or dead, decided to die at once without asking permission from any outside observer hoping not to run, its six remaining lives, with no other genius of physics.