Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Dogs Soft Squishy Lumps

Knowledge Management: A practical example

my Ph.D. When I was in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bI decided to set up a computer repair company. In retrospect, it does impress me as effrontery of those years, not really know much about computers. However, he could leave satisfied most of my clients. The only thing
My concern was that at least the computer with problems, could access the internet. When this was not possible (either by software problems, hardware or network), I answered that my clients could not help with your problem.
As shall be, what I actually did was search all possible solutions network that appeared on various blogs, forums, tutorials, etc. Then, with a neat little trial and error methodology, tried different solutions until the problem was resolved. With this method managed more or less 80% of the problems that "my company" was required. Of course, in the remaining 20% \u200b\u200bdid not charge anything and I apologize for not being helpful.
The truth is that's how I learned enough computer and could gradually improve the quality of my services to my clients may or may not connect to the Internet.

Beyond anecdote of a case like this, so if I find interesting is the way it accounts for a simple but effective knowledge management model. Let us briefly what happens.
There is a person (client) who can not do something (to repair a computer) and find someone who knows. The truth is that this guy (coach) does not have the knowledge that should be to resolve this problem, but he knows where to find it and knows also how to apply it (try the different solutions until it solves the problem.) From my point of view, this is a simple but graphic model of fitness an everyday situation of knowledge management.
In a world overloaded with information, knowledge that is developed at an astonishing rate, and where ever there are more and better platforms to manage it (think of the enormous possibilities of the Internet), efficient information search, and the application of this knowledge in specific organizational situations, it is a skill that will offer tremendous advantages to the new generation of knowledge workers and, by extension, to all organizations. Everything is on the network, just have to find it.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

How Long Will My Puppy Live With A Heart Murmur

Women and the market

Interesting video about the role of women in purchasing decisions.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Blog, Erection, Male Brazilian Wax

What is Knowledge Management?

A smart way to manage knowledge is to review what the experts have said about what we know. In this particular case review some answers given by other authors to this question about what is knowledge management?

Management is the process by which captures and / or generates resources for distribution and optimize them to operationalize the strategic vision of the organization. This means that knowledge is a resource that can be managed. Therefore, we define GC as follows: "the knowledge management is a comprehensive and continuous organizational transformation, which seeks both the generation and identification, distribution and learning within the organization of knowledge key business, to create or to appropriate the value "Extracted

" Knowledge management is an integral concept and holistic including psychological, organizational and technological ensure effective mobilization and transfer of knowledge "Norbert
Wilkens: Was ist Wissensmanagement
?, 1998

" Knowledge management is critical aspects adaptation, survival and organizational competence to deal with the constant discontinuous environmental change. Essentially, it involves organizational processes seeking a synergistic combination of data, processing capacity of information technology information, and creative and innovative capacity of human beings " Yoseth Malhotra: Knowledge Management for the New World of Business, 1998

" We define knowledge management as actions aimed organize and structure the processes, mechanisms and infrastructure company to create, store and reuse organizational knowledge . Since the knowledge management collective a company closely linked with various functional areas of the organization, knowledge management, must start leadership of top management: that is, leadership that extends beyond all hierarchical or functional boundary. "shoot an elephant -Kuan Huang, Yang W. Lee, Richard Y. Wang: Quality of information and knowledge management , 2000
Cited in

On a more pedestrian and informal or yahoo answers yahoo answers would be a knowledge management tool. here See how it works.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Women Pin And Sitting

What do the hallucinations about our minds? Knowledge Management

An interesting video of prominent neurologist Oliver Sacks.